Try and try again... as the saying goes!
This year, after several false starts with various tomato plants which grew up to 30cms, then wilted before my eyes, I had one lone tomato plant left standing.
Of unknown origins, this plant popped up in the smallest garden bed. It must have sprouted from compost which we added to the bed. Probably from a stray tomato I tossed in the compost many many moons ago.
This lone tomato survivor was a prolific producer! Averaging around 6 tomatoes per truss, of yummy red and greenness. The fruit taste suspiciously like the "Choc Cherry" tomatoes I once bought from the supermarket.
Despite my best efforts to water, feed and nurture this mystery tomato plant, one dry & windy day, it finally keeled over; dragging its still-green but withered limbs over the side of the garden bed. This occurred whilst it was still growing handsome trusses of tomatoes, full of promise... full of sweetness.
Based on last season, I knew the tomato fruit could still ripen on a plant despite the rest of it looking like a dehydrated mess. So that's why I have left the tortured plant in the bed, looking very much like a victim of some sadistic gardening experiment.